by Sarah Heringer | Sep 15, 2021 | faith, God's Word, old testament, Uncategorized
Habakkuk 3 is a prayer of triumph; it is so beautiful and encouraging! “I am filled with awe by your amazing works. In this time of our deep need, help us again as You did in years gone by, and in your anger remember your mercy.” Habakkuk 3:2 This book reminds me of...
by Sarah Heringer | Sep 14, 2021 | faith, God's Word, old testament, Uncategorized
Habakkuk 2 begins with the prophet proclaiming he, “Will wait to see what the Lord says and how He will answer my complaint.” (verse 1) The Lord responds with words about the proud and how they trust in themselves, are never satisfied and believe their money will buy...
by Sarah Heringer | Sep 13, 2021 | faith, God's Word, old testament, Uncategorized
Habakkuk was a man of many questions and in this short but powerful book, the prophet boldly pours out His heart to the Lord, and the Lord answers Him with HOPE. The world in Habakkuk’s time was much like it is today (perhaps even worse, friends!). There was war,...
by Sarah Heringer | May 26, 2021 | God's Word, Guest entry
I lived for a long time afraid that God was angry with me. For many years I put other things in front of my relationship with Him, but on my journey to transformation, I found a new understanding of a God who loves me. My life has never been the same. My journey...
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