10 Years Later
It's hard to believe my brother Daniel has been gone 10 years. An entire decade has gone by since we have seen his face, his smile, his hands that I loved...a long time since our ears have heard his laugh or hilarious sense of humor. When...
Hurricane Matthew: A Sign of the Times?
A friend shared a post with me last night about hurricane Matthew possibly being a sign of the end times. It was quite interesting and I don't know if it's true, but it did make me think. As Christians, we know the Lord once walked this earth. And, as we know His...
One Way to Incorporate Scripture into Our Children’s Prayers
We found a fun way to pray using the ABC Scripture Cards!
Love Runs Red
It's Good Friday. What an important day, a dark day, a special day, a brutal yet amazing day. The day many, many years ago Jesus Christ sacrificed His perfect, blameless life for our salvation and redemption. One man, one act, one horrific death for any and...
Sweet Surrender
Surrender. It's been my word of the year. A word so prayerfully chosen at the end of 2014. A word sent straight from God because He knew how much I would need it in 2015, He knew the struggle I would have with it this year. It's no coincidence,...
When All We Can See Is Bad
Turn on the news and it's heartbreaking. Devastating. We don't see a lot of good going on and the world we live in seems to get scarier and scarier. It's a messy, fallen, broken world full of messy, fallen, broken people. What are we to...