Hurricane Matthew: A Sign of the Times?

by | Oct 7, 2016 | God's Word | 1 comment


A friend shared a post with me last night about hurricane Matthew possibly being a sign of the end times. It was quite interesting and I don’t know if it’s true, but it did make me think.

As Christians, we know the Lord once walked this earth. And, as we know His Word to be true, we know He will be coming back, we just don’t know when.

After reading this article I had an epiphany of sorts. Maybe it was more of a freak-out moment, but I saw my life, everything in it, mainly the “stuff” and all the things that keep me busy and exhausted and felt a pit growing in my stomach. I thought about the Christmas accent plates and coffee mugs that are currently in my cart on a website and how pointless they really are in the scheme of things. How pointless a lot of what I do is when I think of my Savior returning.

I’m deeply convicted of how comfortable and selfish I have been lately. This conviction has turned into more fuel for my fire to burn for Him. To live for the things that matter. To find the balance between this life full of distractions and walking in the fact that we are getting closer to the end. To no longer be lazy or complacent but proactive in prayer and passionate about sharing Jesus with others. To live each day based on the fact Jesus IS coming back and so many people do not know the hope, love and promises He has to offer.

John the Baptist paved the way for his cousin Jesus. He was the “voice in the wilderness” with hope of the promised Savior. As Christians in this day and age, is it not our job also to pave the way for Christ’s second coming??  To be voices in this wilderness of stuff, busyness, sin and muck???

Our lives are but vapors.  Everything we try so hard to control or attain is fleeting and does not always have eternal purposes.  I think of the Haitians who, once again, have been struck by a catastrophic disaster.  It’s devastating and breaks my heart. I think of the many Americans on the east coast who have left all their belongings to flee from this massive storm…it really puts things into perspective!

This hurricane, this Matthew, whether an end time event or not, is a call to prayer and a place for God to move in our hearts and in our world. People are hurting, people need hope; we all need Jesus.  What a glorious day it will be when He returns, but until then, brothers and sisters in Christ, let’s pave the way and be voices in the wilderness.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega-the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come-the Almighty One.” Revelation 1:8

“You must also be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.” Luke 12:40

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1 Comment

  1. Jim Sprott

    Great words, Sarah. Studying Revelation has made me think more in terms of readiness, of spiritual growth and the need to remain strong in our individual ministries, be they in Haiti or at home, on the job or on the course. Great words! Thanks for your time and effort. Love, Dad


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