Pray Without Ceasing; A Way to Pray

Just a quick, simple way to start your day and pray throughout it using the YouVersion Bible app! To get the kiddos involved: On the way to school or at the breakfast or dinner table, have them read the verse for the day (depending on ages) and come up with the prayer...

The Lord’s Supper

I sat in church fighting back the tears but ultimately giving in.  They flowed freely down my face. My thoughts drifted back to the Jewish Proverb my grandmother had on her flip-calendar the day she died, “Tears are for the soul what soap is for the body”....

2017 ~ There Was Him

There was loss, there was gain, there was destruction there was pain. There was His glory, His freedom ~ there was HIM. There was peace, there was chaos; there were questions and doubts. There was self-control and wisdom, there were failures and sin. There was me,...

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