CHOOSE ~ Five Minute Friday Blog Link Up

by | Mar 10, 2023 | Uncategorized | 10 comments

I teach 5/6 grade girls life group on Sundays at our church. I love it, they are amazing and I always learn when I am teaching.

One day we were taking about who is in charge of our lives and I needed to give them a visual so I hopped up on a chair and said, “This is me in charge of my life. I’m on the throne. I make all the decisions. When I look around I only look down because I am the biggest and best and I come first.”

Then I got down and said, “ This is God on the throne of my life. Him in charge, Him in the drivers seat. Me acknowledging who He is and putting him in the right place in my life. Me looking up to him continually for help and guidance in all things. Him directing my paths.”

This visual was unexpected and on a whim but it stuck with me greatly!

Each day I would wake up and ask myself- who do I want to be today? Sarah who is on the throne of her life? Or the Sarah who lets the Lord be first in command? Do I want the Holy spiritual to guide me and my day? Or do I want to be the god of me today?

I know what I want but it’s a continual practice and surrender fleshing that out.

Does this resonate with you?

May we all choose Him today in all areas of our life’s and let Him be in the chair of our lives. May Jesus guide us to do His will!

Love, Sarah ❤️

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  1. Lauri Hawley

    Yes, it really does take continual practice to choose surrender!

    • Sarah Heringer

      daily! moment by moment!

  2. Carol

    This is a great visual for young people (and all of us)! May God bless the time you spend with young people! I’m glad you left a comment on my blog.

    • aschmeisser

      I wanted so to be in charge,
      so I sat on my life’s throne,
      self-absorbed and living large,
      and very, very much alone.
      I wanted so to take command,
      a leadership that would not end,
      but I did not understand
      that there were things I could not mend,
      things growing from the smallest start
      to fissure my very soul,
      and all to soon my shattered heart
      could not be once again made whole
      without the help of God whose aid
      I had mocked in my charade.

      • Sarah Heringer

        that’s good!

    • Sarah Heringer

      thank you!

  3. joanneviola

    Great visual! It is a continual choosing we make each and every day for sure. May the Lord seal the visual in the hearts of the young people whom heard you that day!

    • Sarah Heringer


  4. Sandra K Stein

    Great visual.

    • Sarah Heringer

      thank you! visuals always help me!


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