OK, maybe this isn’t exactly and ode, but it sounded right. I’m just considering this past year, and I’m amazed at so much. Mainly at how quickly it seemed to go by, but also the Lord’s presence and faithfulness throughout all of it.
As I reflect on our quarantine time and share what the Lord taught me (and is still teaching me!), I hope you will comment below with anything the Lord taught you during the last 12 months.
I wrote these words knee deep into that 6 week strict stay-at-home order. Needless to say, I was struggling! It was not always easy. But Jesus. Ever loving and kind….
Is it just me or has this time really shown anyone their sin? Brought to light some darkness?
While I will confess some ways I’m drawn to sin and my many weaknesses right now, my main goal is to draw us to Christ and His Holy Spirit, our Helper.
I’ve asked Him to make me kinder so much during this time; slower to anger and frustration. I’ve had to ask for forgiveness for lots of thoughtless words and desires for things other than Him, temporary escapes during this “hard” of life.
Am I alone? Is anyone else seeing a darker side of themselves?
Ugh. But such is the process of sanctification during uncertain times.
I don’t drink alcohol but I’ve certainly been tempted to during this time. Unwholesome words seem so much closer to the tip of my tongue and the anger is just waiting to be spewed out.
The mound is weighing heavily on my shoulders of, “am I doing enough?” Washing hands enough but also teaching and training the kids enough? The house is is constant need of picking up/cleaning and I often feel I can’t get it together or get anything under control. My motivation is lacking because we aren’t going, doing or seeing people. My littles want/need me all. The. Time. And I’m at the end of myself so quickly. Daily.
What if this is where Jesus wants me? At the end of myself. When I’ve done it in my own strength and failed time and again I can turn to Him and seek His help. Not the help of escape, running away or anything else so enticing right now.
What if this is a sifting season to sift out the things in our lives that are not of Him? What if he can grow and change us during this time?
Can we be found faithful?
Sin does not make us free, Jesus does. Where He is, we are free.
Now the Lord is the Sprit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:17
The balance, the peace, the calm we are all looking for is found in one name- Jesus. Always there, ready to forgive, guide, help and give grace in abundance.
I asked him the other day if He was sick of me because all I do in desperation is call on Him and need Him– “Sorry for being so needy, Lord!”
But we are needy if we get down to it and we need Him. Each of us, designed to have Him, hold Him and honor Him (words from my Nana).
Praying today instead of being drawn into and quick to sin, that we would be drawn quickly to Him and the power inside of us.
In Jesus name, amen.
My sinful heart needed to re-read these words today. I’ve found myself at the end of my rope so much lately…my rope seems shorter, actually! But maybe the shorter my rope the closer I am to Him? That sounds good, doesn’t it?
Last year was hard for so many. Many lost more than just their minds and sanity, they lost loved ones, jobs, security. There was so much uncertainty, fear and division.
There will me more hard times ahead, but oh! That we would be found faithful! He loves us and is with us always.
Love you friends,
We serve Christ. We are trusted with the mysteries God has shown us. Those who have been given a trust must prove that they are faithful.
1 Corinthians 4:1-2 (NIRV)
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

For more on hope during hard times, below are some popular past posts
The Greatest Words of Encouragement Today (Guest Post!) | Sarah Heringer
Why are we stuck at home? | Sarah Heringer
What Would Jesus Do During the COVID 19 Coronavirus Pandemic? | Sarah Heringer
2017 ~ There Was Him | Sarah Heringer
When All We Can See Is Bad | Sarah Heringer
God Knows What’s Next | Sarah Heringer