His Love Is The Ocean

by | Feb 13, 2021 | Current Events, God's Word, mocha monday | 8 comments

I look at the ocean and my eyes are immediately filled with awe and wonder. The vastness of it. The depths. There is no end.

But I look and search for it as if there should be an end. Yet it keeps going and going. As far as my eyes can see.

Such a reminder of the Lord’s love for you and me. It reaches high and low, deep and wide. There is no end- but sometimes it’s as if I’m searching for the end of it.

“Did you stop loving me in that moment, Father? Was that mistake the end of it, Lord? Was that hidden sin where your love quit me??”

No. His word tells me over and over. His love is ever-present and never
-ending, always and forever for you and me.

No matter what.

He loves us vastly, richly, deeply. It’s a love full of grace and mercy. Compassion and kindness.

Always ready for us to turn and take His hand to know the riches of who He is.
The grace of His love.
The freedom of His love.
The unshakable foundation of His love.

For me. For you.

Oh, that we would rest in this love and know He is good and He is for us. Giving us the grace to do His will. With His love shaping us into the character of His Son.

His love teaching us His commands. His love helping us to love. His forgiveness equipping us to forgive. His grace giving us grace for others. His mercy reaching the depths of our sinful human hearts and drawing us into an abiding relationship with Him.

Not dare leaving us the same.

The ocean- vast, never ending, deep, mysterious, wide, alive, always moving.
His love- the same.

Praying we all know and experience His great love today.

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  1. Karis Ward

    Yes! Such a good reminder! Love the visual of the ocean. His love is vast. 🙌🙌

    • Sarah Heringer

      Yes! ♥️🙌🏼

    • Sarah Heringer

      His love is so great! ♥️

  2. Sam Sprott

    Reminds me of the Sunday School song… God’s love; so wide, you can’t get around it, so deep, you can’t get under it, so high you can’t get over it. A lot of good in those old songs we learned when we were kids. We pray they, the songs, are not being left on the alter of Praise Music as is happening way too much in Big Church, where the hymnals have been gathered up to gather dust in some out of the way place.

    • Sarah Heringer

      I know. I miss hymns a lot. Such solid words in them!!!

  3. Moma

    Yes. Give me that Old Time Music❤️🙏🏻
    Beautiful description.

    • Sarah Heringer



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