FRESH ~ Five Minute Friday

by | Jan 16, 2021 | Five minute Friday, God's Word, hope*writers | 22 comments

I’ve been part of the Five Minute Friday Writing Group for a few years and contribute from time to time. Today their word coincided with the writing prompt word from another group I’m a part of, hope*writers. This week they are having an Instagram writing challenge to get us writing every day, posting a different word to help us. Grateful for these two groups that encourage me to keep me writing and grateful for you all, too!! Here is what came to mind with the word, FRESH.

Fresh fruit. Fresh powder. Fresh, flowing water.
Spoiled fruit. Icy snow. Stagnant water.

We would all prefer the fresh of things, right? Who likes the taste of spoiled fruit? Who wants to ski on icy snow? Who wants to drink stagnant water?

When we look at our relationship with Jesus Christ, is it fresh or has it been neglected, signs of bitterness and rot showing up? Is it soft and pliable or has it been hardened by life’s circumstances we can’t believe He allowed? Has it grown deeper than it was at the beginning, or is it the same, not moving or growing?

In revelation 3, Jesus is speaking to the church at Laodiceans. Their love for God had become stale and stagnant; lukewarm. He says, “I will spit you out of my mouth.”

If that’s not direction to pay attention to our hearts towards Christ I’m not sure what is. Our relationship with Him is a gift we must tend to. It’s not to be neglected. It’s to be nourished. It’s to grow. It’s to stay fresh by being with Him in prayer and seeking Him in His Word.

So where are we? Do we want the freshness and newness of our relationship with Christ? Don’t we want the excitement of being all in and committed to Him? He’s ready to renew us once and for all but also everyday. ♥️

A prayer~
Father God, Mighty One. Forgive us for neglecting our relationship with You. Forgive us for letting the world distract and entice us. Help us to stay committed to You. Help us to know You. Help our faith and relationship with you to keep moving and growing and never grow stale, stagnant or hard. Guide us into a deeper, more exciting season with you. We want more of you, God!You are good, forgiving and we love you! In your name, Amen. ♥️

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  1. Susan

    Such a great reminder that everything starts out fresh — and we need to preserve our relationship with Christ to ensure it doesn’t begin to rot! Thank you for such wise words. FMF#36

    • Sarah Heringer

      Yes! Will check your FMF out!

  2. Jim Dunn

    Wonderful, timely message.

    • Sarah Heringer

      Timely for me, too!

  3. brontebrown2 We need to dig our roots deep, so in times of trouble we will be like a tree planted by the water that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but it leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit. Jeremiah 17 7-8.

    • Sarah Heringer

      So beautiful! Yes!

  4. Mandy Farmer

    I love fresh fallen snow. Living in the south now so we seldom see it. coming from FMF 2 doors down. (Storing fresh vegetables)

    • Sarah Heringer

      Where in the south are you!? I’m in the south too!

  5. Sandra K Stein

    Good message.
    (Your FMF neighbor #46)

    • Sarah Heringer

      Thank you! Will check yours out!

  6. thegodlypodreview

    Sarah, I like your take on the word fresh. Many of us allow the distractions of today to draw us away from God, when all he wants is a close relationship with us. Thanks for sharing.

    • Sarah Heringer

      Yes!! Thank you for your words!

    • Sarah Heringer

      Thank you! All glory to Him!

  7. SimplyCoffeeandJesus;ByPaula

    Amen Sarah, Thank you for sharing such a lovely post with many truths within. Blessings.
    Visiting from FMF#5

    • Sarah Heringer

      Will check your FMF out!

  8. Jenny Young

    Good reminders.

    • Sarah Heringer

      For me too!

  9. Jan Sprott

    Hits me right on the spot! Love you

    • Sarah Heringer

      Love you!!

  10. barefootlilylady

    Great post. Thanks! I needed this timely, fresh reminder. I have a lovely friend who is checking in on me about once a week to keep me accountable in my desire to grow in the area of delving deeper into the Word and growing in Christ.
    ~ Cindie visiting from FMF #53

    • Sarah Heringer

      So neat you have a friend like that!! ♥️♥️ Blessings and prayers as you seek to grow your faith!


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