
by | Mar 22, 2019 | God's Word | 2 comments

A mother’s job is one that never ends. One that is exhausting, overwhelming, but oh so special, too.

In the middle of it all, however, I find myself tiring of doing what is good. Tired of bedtime battles, tired of poopy diapers, tired of the sibling rivalries, tired of trying to get it together only to find myself (and everyone else) falling apart.

Only twice have I really wanted to just get in my minivan and drive away (once was right after having baby #3 so I’m blaming that on the crazy hormones!)

But I’ve found that it’s in those moments of complete “done-ness” that God meets me and reminds me of who He is

He is my reward. He is the One I do this for. He is the one who has given me every desire in my heart with my three precious children. He is the giver of all things good and He is the One who will help me keep pressing on and doing what is good.

For Him, my reward.

It’s not a crown we get here on this earth. We get spit up on, thrown up on, peed on, kicked, yelled at, etc…we don’t get thanked or appreciated the way our selfish hearts desire BUT we get Him and the reward He has for us if we keep pressing on and doing what is good.

Lord help us to lean on you, to do things for You, to know that You are with us, and for us giving us strength to keep pressing on.

(This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!)

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  1. Karen Sebastian

    This is just so true. What a treasure that you inspire us to examine our hearts and to realize the HE is our true reward. Great post.

    Your neighbor on Five Minute Friday

    • meet ME in the mornings

      Hello neighbor at 5 minute Friday!!! Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragement! ♥️🙌🏼 all for Him!
      I’ll check out your blog too! 🙂


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