All things for good…

by | May 4, 2014 | God's Word | 2 comments

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

This verse.  I couldn’t get it out of my head last week.  In light of the recent catastrophic and devastating tornadoes that ripped through our state and through conversations with others who are hurting because life is just hard, I have needed something to hold on to.  I’ve needed something to remind myself that nothing goes without purpose, nothing is ever wasted and that God is sovereign and knows the good He has prepared for those who love Him.

I once wrestled with this verse and didn’t know if I really believed it or not; it was in 2006.  My heart wasn’t necessarily in the best place to begin with, nor was my relationship with the Lord. That May I experienced our first miscarriage, the unexpected death of my brother in October, and a second miscarriage in early 2007.  I will be honest, I was a mess, nothing was well with my soul and I didn’t know how God could do this to our family.  I grieved a lot, ended up angry and stayed there for a little too long (ever been there?).  I focused on all the bad that had happened, questioned God and lost faith for a while.  But, I got to such a point in that pit that all I had were His promises, the hope of Him and His Word so I turned to Him and let Him pull me out of the pit.

I can now look back at that time and see God’s hand weaving things together for my good; using pain and loss to refine me, bring me good and bring me closer to Him.  And I can praise Him.

I can also look back and know that leaning on my own understanding is a sure-fire way to end up in a pit.  Trusting in Him and the Truths He has given us in scripture is the only way to hang onto His anchor of Hope while walking through life’s deepest depths.

The world we live in now is not our forever home.  Although beautiful and full of blessings from God, it is also full of sin, sadness, loss and injustice.  I think that helps us long for Heaven but I also know that God can take these things, the things that break us, and use them for good while we are here; for His glory, His purposes and our good.  Sometimes we bring things on ourselves, and other times, the Lord allows things to happen.  We have to believe that He loves us, wants us and can see the whole picture, from beginning to end.  Our sight is so limited but He knows the good that can come from things.  All we have to do is love and trust Him in the process; it’s His design to do good for us in the end.  Don’t ever doubt this (I’m talking to myself here too!)!

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Write it on a sticky note, memorize it, meditate on it, believe it to your core.  In the big things and the small things, He is able to work them together for good; He wastes nothing.

I would love to hear how you have seen God work things together for your good!

If you want to study this more, look up the following! 🙂

  • Genesis 50:20
  • Deuteronomy 8:16
  • Ephesians 1:11
  • Ephesians 3:11

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  1. Rebekah

    Love this Sarah! So true!!!

  2. Jim Sprott

    Sarah, you know the impact of this verse on my life, too. A beautiful message. I pray it resounds among your readers! Your Dad


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