He is our Home

So much information being thrown our way, everyday, and with so much going on in our nation, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. So much evil and hate we see, along with the conspiracy theories, discrepancies, etc… I often wonder what the real truth is in all of this....


Salt. It has a vitreous luster which means it’s clear and reflective. It’s highly diathermic which means heat goes in and out of it. It’s viscous, or sticky; and it flows at high pressures. Salt is most known for preserving food but also for enhancing the flavor,...

Injustice. What to do?*

With so much injustice in the world, what is a person to do? In Romans 12 we are encouraged not to let other’s sin cause us to sin, but instead leave the revenge to our just and compassionate God. “Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that...

We Do Not Lose Heart!

My Bible reading this morning was really encouraging and I hope it is the same for you! Watch below and keep reading for the three main take-always from 2 Corinthians 4 verses 1, 8 and 16-18 ♥️ 1. Our fallen bodies and worlds are wasting away but inside we can be...

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