But first- sit with Me, I’ve got you
But first- be with Me, I know you
But first- put it down, I will carry it
But first- let it go, I will carry you
But first- seek Me, you will find Me
But first- come to Me, I will hold you
But first- know Me, I will keep you
I will steady you
I will quiet you
I will help you
I will provide for you
I will comfort you
I will never leave you
I will guide you
I will give you hope
As we read these words, I pray you can picture the Lord sitting with you saying these things to you. Truths about who He is and how He is so merciful with His children. We are seen, known, and cared for by our Heavenly Father! What a gift to be cherished. -Sarah
Thank you for your insights. I look forward to more to come!