And So We Wait

by | Aug 13, 2015 | God's Word, journal | 8 comments

Waiting: stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens; used to indicate that one is eagerly impatient to do something or for something to happen.

A few weeks ago, I was up at 4am busily getting ready to travel to a conference. I had almost forgotten about the pregnancy test I had taken that early morning, but thankfully, I happened to glance at it before walking out the door. Expecting to see only one line, I did a triple take when I saw not one, but two obvious pink lines. I didn’t even have to tilt it a certain way or put it under the kitchen counter lights to kind-of-maybe see two lines, but there were two lines, as plain as day, staring back at me.

Shock was my initial reaction coupled with great fear. But then I found myself smiling at Gods amazing timing of it all. I then reminded myself of my past and immediately would be fearful again, not allowing myself to get excited or hopeful.

You see, I’ve had experience studying pregnancy tests (anyone else?)…this is my 7th pregnancy. I hold two of my precious babies here on earth while Jesus holds the rest of them safely in Heaven.

The road of miscarriages is not one I would wish upon anyone, but through it all God has been good and faithful. Even when I’ve wanted to turn my back to Him through the pain, He is good, full of grace, and loves me more than I can comprehend. Even when I have lashed out in anger at the loss I have felt, I know I am not alone nor do my tears or prayers fall empty. They fall into His mighty hands that hold all of me. 

We’ve gone through miscarriages publicly and we’ve gone through them privately and either way it is hard. But I know when I don’t talk about what is going on in my life or when I’m not real about my hearts desires or the pain I have experienced, God can’t get the glory.

So. There is a tiny heart beating inside of me; a life growing rapidly inside my body. This life is a precious gift from God. Just in the few short weeks we have known, this pregnancy has been such an amazing blessing, such a joy; and for that I am grateful. Grateful that the Lord chose me to carry this baby. Whether it be to full term or just a few more weeks, it is a life. A God-given, God-ordained life. And I will praise Him no matter what. Of course my prayer is that this is our baby #3 to have and hold, but I know that God’s ways and plans are not always my ways and plans. I trust Him in this journey. No matter what.  Even when the doctor says there is a 50/50 chance this baby will make it, I will put my hope in the Author of life, leaning into Him and not my own understanding.  I will remember the beautiful sound I recently heard of a strong thumping heart and will never forget the awesome sight of it beating away.

And so we wait.  

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  1. Jim Sprott

    As always, you touch your father’s heart. My prayers are with you and Ryan.


  2. Shelly Faust

    I am praying for you, my beautiful new friend! So thankful God has allowed our paths to cross. Thank you for being brave and sharing your story with us. Waiting and hoping with you! Love, Shelly

  3. Garlanda

    Praying that you and baby will be well.
    Much love to you on your birthday tomorrow and always. Take care of your sweet self.

  4. Cy

    What a beautiful story of faith and love. I am praying for you and this precious one being knitted together by our Father. Love you! -Cy



  1. And So We Wait. | My Journey of Faith Magazine - […] few weeks ago, I was up at 4am busily getting ready to travel to a conference. I had almost…
  2. And So We Wait. | My Journey of Faith - […] few weeks ago, I was up at 4am busily getting ready to travel to a conference. I had almost…
  3. And So We Wait | My Journey of Faith - […] few weeks ago, I was up at 4am busily getting ready to travel to a conference. I had almost…

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