Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11
Hello, friend! Welcome! So happy you are here. As we transition from meet ME in the mornings, I wanted to share more behind the new site. Keep reading 🙂
I just spent about 30 minutes trying to find the journal containing the words I wanted this post to include. I searched everywhere. High and low, but finally found it at the bottom of a stack of papers. It’s kind of comical because this post is about seeking and finding the Lord. Which, I just sought for these papers, and after quite some time, I found them, thank You, Lord.

SEEK ~ “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
Does it ever seem as if the Lord is far away? Out of sight, out of reach? I’ve experienced that before. But His words are true; that if we seek Him with all of our hearts, we will find Him. He’s never failed me yet on this one, and He won’t you either. It may be quick, or it may take more searching than before. Not that He isn’t there, because He always is, but sometimes there are sins or other distractions in the way.
Once we seek Him and find Him, we will SEE Him. We will see Him in all things. Working together for good, working in others for His glory, working in us for refinement and change. Through our eyes seeing the Lord, our hearts can be renewed. We will know His will for our lives as He gives us new sight for Him, ourselves, others and circumstances. The eye is the lamp to the body and through it, our hearts will be enlightened through His truths and love.

“…having the eyes of your heart enlightened.”
Ephesians 1:18
And then, after we seek Him and see Him, we can savor Him. To savor means to taste and enjoy it completely and is a characteristic taste, especially a pleasant one. It means to delight in and give oneself to the enjoyment of. I can’t help but think of the Holy Spirit here and how He fills us with the fruits of our Lord. Peace. Joy. Love. Forgiveness. Gentleness. All things I certainly need DAILY.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed are those who take refuge in Him!”
Psalms 34:8
When we SEEK, SEE and SAVOR the Lord, it changes us; it changes everything.
Do you remember the 10 year challenge from last year? I can remember thinking about who I was 10 years prior and I was certainly not seeking, seeing or savoring the Lord. I was seeking, seeing and savoring Sarah. I was materialistic, competitive, critical and liked to party and have fun by drinking. I cussed like a sailor and put my needs above everyone else. My priorities were all messed up and I was the top priority in my life; not God, not my husband, not my daughter. I was a Christian but living for myself in the ways of the world and in my flesh.
And then I sought the Lord.
He removed the scales from my eyes that had built up over the years and I saw Him. I sought His grace and forgiveness. I sought His Word. I sought His Spirit renewing my mind, changing my desires, rearranging my priorities, etc…I learned how to truly love my husband. I learned how to see others the way Jesus does.
As the old Sarah faded away, a new Sarah was born. Born to daily seek, see and savor Him. Born to walk in His ways, born to love Him above all else, love others and walk in a manner worthy of Him. Of course I mess up daily and will never be sin-free; however, the continual desire of my heart is to honor and please Him in all I do. A stark difference from my heart over a decade ago.

So, where are you? Are you closer to the Lord now than 10 years ago? Have you truly experienced the freedom, healing and power the Lord has to offer? What are you seeking? Seeing? Savoring? What is standing in the way of your being “all in” with Christ? If you are willing to answer any of these questions, I would love to hear in the comments so I can be praying for you!
He has a beautiful plan for those willing to seek, see and savor Him. Not easy by any means, but profound and fulfilling. I don’t know about you, but I need the fulfilment only He can give me.
Won’t you join me as we seek, see and savor Him?
Love you all, Sarah