Added to You

by | Jun 8, 2015 | God's Word | 0 comments

The other day I reluctantly got out of bed and made my way to my dining room table to do my quiet time.  I really didn’t even know where to start because I’ve not been very consistent with my QT lately (ugh).  I grabbed the devotional I am doing this year, My Utmost for His Highest, and opened it to where I last dropped off, May 21…it was June 2.  Oh well, a few weeks behind, I will catch up eventually, right?  The verse staring at me for the May 21 devotion was Matthew 6:33.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (KJV)

I read it and read it and read it again.  It was as if God was speaking straight to my heart and soul (which He does, you know!?) saying, “Sarah, seek ME.  Sarah, above all else LOOK for Me and not only will you find Me but I will give you everything that you need.”  Immediately I had a peace and a comfort that can only come from Him– which was exactly what I needed.

In the passages above Matthew 6:33, Jesus was teaching about worry, which can encompass so much of what holds us back from seeking and truly finding the Lord.  When we seek Him wholeheartedly and put Him before all else, we WILL have all that we need and just not worrying is enough, right!?

It doesn’t mean if we seek God we will become rich or if we put Him first we will get exactly what we want in our life– that job, that spouse, that house, that answered prayer…not that He isn’t able, but what this verse means is that when we pursue a relationship with Him and let Him reside in every corner of our lives and hearts, He will give us what we need for the duration–HIMSELF.  And with Him comes what we truly need, what our souls desperately need– peace, rest, love, grace, forgiveness, joy, wisdom, understanding, the list is unending!

The definition of seek means to search, attempt to find, go to.  It’s a choice to go to God first; to attempt to find Him and search for Him.  It’s a choice to serve, love and obey Him, and put Him first in our lives.  I don’t always make the right choice on this matter but that morning I chose to seek Him and boy did I find Him (can I get an Amen!?).  Even if I was a few days late in my devotional He wasn’t late in speaking to me…He never is (and another AMEN!).

But what does it mean to seek “the kingdom of God, and His righteousness”?  This means we are going to and recognizing the realm of His authority and sovereignty over all, acknowledging who God actually is.  The words humility and surrender come to mind here.  Seeking His righteousness can mean to search for and see His goodness in all things, because it’s always there, you know!?  When we choose to see the good in difficult circumstances or situations we are in fact seeking God because He is good.  When we choose to love when it’s hard we are in fact seeking God because He is love.  I don’t always make the right choice on these matters either, but the more I search for Him, the more I will find His goodness and love in all and for all.

This summer as things are a little more laid back, relaxed and less routine I pray we all search for Him more.  In His Word, through prayer, through sunsets and sunrises, through children laughing and playing, and through our choices.  And all these things will be added unto us. 🙂

3 chairs week 4 copy

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