oh how He loves us!*

by | May 9, 2014 | God's Word, MJOF article | 0 comments

God is our Creator; we were in His care even before we were born (Isaiah 44:2). He created us in His image (Genesis 1:27) and we are His cherished personal treasures. He knows (and cares about!) every single detail of our lives. NOTHING is too big or too small for God. I love the analogy Beth Moore uses in the study The Law of Love of a baby tied into its mother’s womb, and how He is “tied into” and bound into our very being. Think of how bound we are to our own children…as our creator He is even more bound into us. Matthew 10:30 states that “even the very hairs on our head are numbered,” which is astounding because if your hair is anything like mine that number changes daily! Oh how He loves us!

God is love (I John 4:8). No human will ever be able to meet our deepest needs; only God can fill that hole inside each of us with His unconditional love. It’s a love that knows no end. A love that knows exactly what we need. No matter what has happened, what we have done, or how far we have run from him, His love is always there with open arms full of security and forgiveness. He has even given us a book about His love, so we would know and abide in it. It is a precious book full of abounding love from the Father that we must all keep close to our hearts. Oh how He loves us!

This world is not easy; God never said it would be. In fact the Bible tells us that we WILL suffer and have pain and difficulty in this world, but it also says this world is not our home. When we look at things happening around us, we can’t possibly begin to understand why…but the God who loves us knows why. He knows how, He knows when, and He promises better things to come for those who live for Him. His wisdom and understanding are above all else and we have to TRUST that He loves us individually, knows us individually and created us individually. He has a perfect plan for each of our lives. This plan, however imperfect it may seem to us, is perfect to Him. Oh how He loves us!

Two words: Jesus Christ (have I mentioned that He loves us!?). Oh that He would send a Savior; oh that He would send His Son, a man who knew no sin, for you and me. John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” And that is certainly what Jesus Christ did for us. As many years removed as we are from the day Jesus died, we still have to know and believe that the God who loves us sent His one and only son to die on a wooden cross to take on the sin and bad choices of the world. So WE could be free. So WE can receive HIS never-ending forgiveness and grace. WOW. What a sacrifice. Oh how he loves us!

To sum it up, God loves us. And the God who loves us wants us. He has no greater desire than to fill each of us with His Spirit. He wants us to reach out to Him, accept His love, and love Him in return. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might (Deuteronomy 6:5).

He chose us as His cherished personal treasure…is He our treasure?

*This article was originally published in My Journey of Faith online magazine in February 2013.  Click here to read the original and other stories of God’s goodness and grace!

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