Hello, friend!
I invite you to come alongside me as we seek to see and savor the Lord this side of Heaven; walking faithfully and fruitfully in His Word, His Will and His Ways.
I’m cheering for us all to love Him and others well and am praying this is a space for the Lord to grow our hearts into a deeper relationship with Him so we can pour into others, mainly our children.
Here you will find authentic words and Biblical application on life, marriage and parenting along with fun and unique ways to incorporate the Word to those the Lord has entrusted to us.
Won’t you join me?
“Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11
Recently on the blog
On Growing our Children’s Faith (and our own!)
Watch the video below for a simple way to talk to kiddos about the importance of growing our faith! :)...
Three Ways to Let Simple Be Enough This Christmas and Always
Excess. Consumption. Never being full or filled so keeping on and going and spending... an honest look at my heart and some questions to ask ourselves when we are struggling with "enough".